Rape Culture On Display: A book Review

Trigger Warning: talking about sexual abuse in the church I have one more post I want to do about The Visitor, but as I started a new book to review, and ended up not being able to sleep at all because I was so outraged by chapters 1 and 2. I thought I would interruptContinue reading “Rape Culture On Display: A book Review”

Thoughts on the Prosperity Gospel

Guest Post by Karen Terrazas The Prosperity Gospel is one of the oldest distortions of truth out there. Job was assumed to have sinned in a significant way to have lost his entire family. Ancient Mythologies talk about favor of the gods when things are going well, and disfavor of the gods when things goContinue reading “Thoughts on the Prosperity Gospel”

Purity Culture

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault will be talked about in this post. Yesterday I wrote about how the culture of the church lends itself to protecting predators. One aspect of that culture is “Purity Culture.” I know that many people have talked about purity culture, but I think the more voices there are, the more likelyContinue reading “Purity Culture”

Athlete A and Churches

Disclaimer: This blog post will be talking about Sexual Assault.   Yesterday the Documentary Athlete A premiered on Netflix. It tells the story of the investigative reporters at the IndyStar who began to investigate sexual assault allegations within United States Gymnastics (USAG) and the survivors who would come forward. After their first article was published, “A BlindContinue reading “Athlete A and Churches”